Tag Archives: tribulation

Can’t Get Enough of That Fellowship

The message has been pretty harsh on the other blog this past week. It’s the message for those who are not heart-led, whose faith is suspect because they aren’t obeying the Word. They get the Law part of divine revelation … Continue reading

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Pack Light

There is an intensely practical side to Christian Mysticism: We don’t sweat the small stuff. That is, because we simply don’t take too seriously this world and all its concerns, we have no reason to preserve the things this world … Continue reading

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Make It Your Own

I’m not going to cite a bunch of footnotes, but long time readers will recognize some of what I reference here. God has never promised to warn us about everything He’s doing. He did promise we could always know enough … Continue reading

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Faithfully Balancing

I admit to an obsession: I waste a lot of time on Google Earth and similar mapping services to revisit the places I roamed in Europe thirty years ago. I watch videos of people hiking and biking those areas. Right … Continue reading

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The Shape of Tribulation

People are too quick to give the Devil credit he does not deserve. That was the nature of his rebellion in the first place: taking credit he did not deserve. He was trying to absorb some of the glory meant … Continue reading

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A Call for Prayer

It’s here. At least three decades ago I began sensing in my spirit that an apocalypse was approaching. God is a real Person, not a computer, and His Creation is also alive and personal. On some issues He waits to … Continue reading

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Dreaming of the Rule of Faith

We are not here to reform or change mainstream Christian religion. It is my honest conviction that whatever happens to the mainstream church in the future has little to do with Radix Fidem. It’s not that God can’t or won’t … Continue reading

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Do You See It?

Can you see what I see? Jesus didn’t want people clinging to His resurrected body. The reason should have been obvious: Cling to Him in your hearts, not in the flesh. The time to cling to Him was after He … Continue reading

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Teachings of Jesus — John 16:16-33

Once again, Jesus makes a very firm assertion about the Spirit Realm. The whole point here is to heighten their adherence to an otherworldly focus. As long as their minds and motives are locked in this prison existence, they cannot … Continue reading

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Pictures and Prattle

These images came from recent rides around Draper Lake. This first image is some peculiar “art installation” along the bikeway at SE 119th Street. It didn’t show up well in previous attempts to shoot it because the sun was always … Continue reading

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