Tag Archives: tribulation

What You Know Is Right

It’s here. Don’t let this come across as melodramatic. It may be difficult to see, but I believe your heart will know it’s true. There’s a really good reason for our difficulty: The Spirit Realm is not affected by our … Continue reading

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Dig the Bunker

Just so you’ll know ahead of time, it’s unlikely there will be any new insights to share in the near future. That is, I’m quite certain we’ll be granted fresh clarity that more tightly weaves together our understanding of revelation. … Continue reading

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Celebrate His Wrath

The Lord hasn’t allowed me to see anything like a timetable. Still, what I do see is that the US is on the verge of some kind of economic collapse. That will eventually provoke a social and political chaos we … Continue reading

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Working Toward the End of Humanity

Reminder: Scripture says that the aggregate of fallen human behavior, and the decisions of fallen human governments, is under His ultimate control. He uses Satan to herd this mass like cattle, without a clue to what is real, what is … Continue reading

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May He Shine through You

From day one on this blog, all I’ve ever done is report what I see in moral terms. A few folks who see some of the same things have come alongside to help me promote this vision of what we … Continue reading

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Bridging the Two Realms

Of all the pernicious teachings I confront so often is the foul doctrine of false unity. The preacher thrusts his finger in the air and with grave assertion says, “Until the church unifies on the gospel truth, the world will … Continue reading

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A Sign for Us

The next crisis is economic; keep your eye on that. You can ignore the rest of this post, but don’t fail to grasp the key issue here. Let me review: The Lord has decreed wrath on the West. It’s a … Continue reading

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Boxing Day 2018

I will admit that in times past I prayed that God would call me as prophet and grant me the gift of prophetic insight. Some part of me regrets that deeply, because it has become a big pain in the … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas 2018

The burden of a shepherd’s care knows no holidays. My Christmas present to you is the reminder that we must tribulate. This was a major issue with the New Testament churches. Paul’s letters are loaded with admonitions to embrace the … Continue reading

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Building Exemptions

We’ve discussed previously the image of painting the Blood of Christ on the doorposts of our lives to turn away the wrath of God falling on America. Most people don’t make the connection between that and our non-involvement in the … Continue reading

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