Tag Archives: tribulation

Our Lord Answers Prayer

How often have I posted here that God has answered a request? Now imagine what a great many prayers I don’t mention here are still answered. In the next breath I warn you that your requests must be in pursuit … Continue reading

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Oak Songs

The oak trees call out; they sing in the wind. They know my name and talk to me. As you might expect, they first tell me of the glory of the Lord. Then they tell me of pain and strength. … Continue reading

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Tribulation Reminder

From time to time, I try to remind myself and my readers that we are in a tribulation period. I use the term “tribulation” to refer to general suffering that most of us can feel directly, and which is clearly … Continue reading

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Serenity in Tribulation

It’s not your concern. When you manage to dismiss from your mind a broad range of things you cannot and should not try to change, it’s much easier to keep a solid grip on that serenity necessary for God’s glory. … Continue reading

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The Pastor Is IN

Come on in! If you subscribe to my blog, or even if you just visit once in a while, I consider you a member of my parish. Not that I’m counting noses and boasting of the numbers, but it’s in … Continue reading

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Tribulation Preparation

The saints of God will tribulate. Jesus warned that the same forces nailing Him to the Cross would not allow us to follow Him without some resistance. It’s not enough that those forces are within us to varying degrees, but … Continue reading

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Mortality and Sorrow Norms

God is slowly crushing the Prosperity Gospel heresy. It’s not as if folks didn’t prosper, but it wasn’t by the gospel. Savvy folks will still prosper just fine in the coming economic troubles, gospel or not. That’s the way it … Continue reading

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Ready to Harvest

This is a pastoral message. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38) For some years now, … Continue reading

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The Bride Not Ready

Western Christian men aren’t always comfortable with idea of being a part of the Bride of Christ. Western mythology makes them so. Western culture has no place for parable as a means of communication as it comes to us in … Continue reading

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Bits and Pieces 6

As you might expect, my humble drivel regarding Aaron Swartz is far better covered by the inimitable Glenn Greenwald. I don’t walk with Greenwald on everything, but if you need more conventional reasons to think this was a crucifixion for … Continue reading

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