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Tag Archives: globalism
Gates Is Just a Part
We could say that Bill Gates is one human manifestation of Nimrod, building a new Tower of Babel. As such, it should be obvious that he is also one head of a hydra that together could be called an Antichrist. … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged Antichrist, globalism, Microsoft, Nimrod, The Cult, Tower of Babel
Redemption and Wrath
A couple of things weigh on my heart today. My Radix Fidem message has some opposition, to no one’s surprise. It’s quite rare that I would simply cut someone off for resisting the message. Our mission is redemption; we are … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged dreams and visions, globalism, God's wrath, prophecy, redemption
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Another Dog Fight in the SBC
It’s the nature of Western Christianity to fracture, for sectarian divisions to proliferate. Every new theological fad that comes along generates new divisions and distinctions. Radix Fidem is on a different planet. We may tend to overlap now and then … Continue reading
Posted in religion
Tagged Christian religion, church politics, globalism, Southern Baptists, theological controversies
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My Virtual Sowing Strategy
I do have a multigenerational strategic view on some things. My two primary enemies in that sense are globalism and Zionism. They are two feuding sisters, each vying to be the sole harlot riding on the Beast, and each trying … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged decentralization, divine revelation, globalism, idolatry, mainstream churches, Political activism, politics, Tower of Babel, Zionism
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Notional Civil War
Biblical Law says that, as a matter of general principle, we do not resist the government under which God places us. That’s the broader meaning of “do not curse the king.” That was how the New Testament churches handled Rome. … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged globalism, government, nationalism, oppression, politics, prophecy, Zionism
Can’t Make This Short
When I served in the US Army Military Police, I quickly became aware that there were a select few who were protected by system, while most of the rest of us were expendable. While that protection rested mostly on commissioned … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged globalism, government conspiracies, Military Police, psychology, ruling elite, Satan, Zionism
The Prophetic Viewpoint
Take up the prophetic viewpoint. As long as there is no covenant nation in this world, all human politics is rather like God herding cattle, a herd with no clue what His goals are. God will have what He wants, … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged economics, globalism, moral discernment, politics, prophecy, Tower of Babel
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Working Toward the End of Humanity
Reminder: Scripture says that the aggregate of fallen human behavior, and the decisions of fallen human governments, is under His ultimate control. He uses Satan to herd this mass like cattle, without a clue to what is real, what is … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged globalism, oppression, technology, tribulation
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Celibacy versus MGTOW
Don’t get confused here. Let’s keep this clear: Western Civilization is doomed. It’s doomed because it institutionalizes the Fall. That is, Western Civ is hostile to the heart-led way, to the return to genuine faith. The vast bulk of Western … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged celibacy, evangelism, faith, game, globalism, western civilization
Leverage for Resistance
Someone has asked the question: Just what do I mean by saying I’ll defend the US Constitution? As you might expect, there’s a story behind that, and not everyone tells the same story. Short answer: It boils down to protecting … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged covenant, cynicism, globalism, history, information war, nationalism, shalom, virtual world
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