Tag Archives: red pill

The Home of Christ

In one video on his YouTube channel, Heiser reveals that he is blue-pilled about the feminist cult in America. That’s what we would have expected, since he remained a part of mainstream churchianity. For this reason, he rejects the notion … Continue reading

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Meeting the Demand

Many years ago, when the manosphere was a hot topic, I wrote several different times about how the best way to get the attention of lovey ladies was to not give them yours. At my age this is no longer … Continue reading

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The Last Nail

I like this. It took too long to see it published. Be sure you scan the comments, too. I’ve said in the past that the various disputes between factions in the first few centuries of Church History were almost entirely … Continue reading

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Redemption and Typology

Yeah, what he said. The world in which our God placed us is rich with opportunities for redemption in our own lives, and to participate in His redemption of others. First, I need to note that the Catacomb Resident Blog … Continue reading

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Stop the Brother against Brother Stuff

Home should be the one place where you can be yourself. It’s the place where you are protected from anyone else’s impertinent judgments about you. It’s the one place where following your convictions is always right. It’s supposed to be … Continue reading

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The Divine Mandate

A major element in bringing God’s wrath on the West is feminism. While feminism isn’t peculiar to Western culture, what is unique is how Western feminism overwhelms the entire civilization and social culture. Even the Hebrews fought it to some … Continue reading

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God Doesn’t Play Games

Something has been cooking in the back of my soul for a couple of days. I expect it will spin off several posts, but the first one is this: I’m living in a miracle marriage. No one has to tell … Continue reading

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The Red Pill Whip

In Radix Fidem, our covenant mission includes a strong motivation for redemption of individuals. There really isn’t much we can do for people who aren’t drawn by their hearts, but that is the wavelength on which we operate. We don’t … Continue reading

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Christian Marriage in Context

Over the past few posts at Sigma Frame, Jack has gotten some other commentators involved, including reposting something from yours truly. For those who have been following my years of chatter about the advantages of the tribal social structure, it … Continue reading

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Red Pill Religion and Gamma Boys

I’ve talked about the men’s Red Pill movement and mentioned Gamma Boys a few times. Gammas are the guys with significant intelligence and talent, but raised poorly so that they feel entitled. They are socially damaged; they have a very … Continue reading

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