Tag Archives: tribulation

Nobody Looking Out for Us

This regards the scientific facts and likely legal repercussions from the FDA rushing through it’s approval of Pfizer COVID vaccine. I didn’t expect what I found today. I’m going to link to a presentation that has no fluff, and may … Continue reading

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We Have No Friends

This is a matter of my convictions. The world is filled with conflict. Do you recognize the battle lines? They’ve shifted recently. The threat of making vaccines mandatory has created a whole new political war. It looks like Trump just … Continue reading

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Grab It Now

You need not be a prophet, only a heart-led observer, to have a fair idea of coming tribulations. I learned some hard lessons about expectations and seeing storm clouds on the horizon. It is too obvious that this is a … Continue reading

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Cannot Silence the Message

On the one hand, the Internet is overwhelmed with iniquity. It’s hard to avoid defiling yourself by what is being pushed so forcefully at us. This is the primary reason I use adblockers in all my surfing. I’ve mentioned subliminal … Continue reading

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A Little More on CMEs

Let me offer a little more about the prospects for CME disasters. From what I understand, an EMP (weaponized electromagnetic energy) is a high-frequency blast that threatens everything that conducts electricity. However, an EMP bomb is a single point, with … Continue reading

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The CME Threat

Brother Iain shared a prophetic word on our forum: I told Ed about my long held weird attraction to the possibility of a catastrophic CME hitting Earth. I did enough research to understand that it would be a cataclysm. Well, … Continue reading

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Welcome to the Apocalypse

At this point I’d be preaching to the choir if I made any more noise about avoiding the “vaccine” for this faux plague used as an excuse to destroy the economy and introduce unconscionable oppression. But I wonder if you … Continue reading

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The Divine Mandate

A major element in bringing God’s wrath on the West is feminism. While feminism isn’t peculiar to Western culture, what is unique is how Western feminism overwhelms the entire civilization and social culture. Even the Hebrews fought it to some … Continue reading

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Calling a Failure What It Is

The Covenant of Moses was a particular implementation of the more ancient Covenant of Abraham. Moses had a distinct shelf-life (that people, that place, that time in history), whereas, Abraham was eternal. Jesus restored the Covenant of Moses, then dissolved … Continue reading

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You’ll Know What to Do

In some ways, it won’t matter whom you imagine is pulling the strings. The vast majority of those involved in government — both official and de facto government — are your enemy. The people will be rotated in and out … Continue reading

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