Tag Archives: tribulation

Things Take Care of Themselves

This is tribulation. Things are going to come apart. That’s how it works; the Lord is testing His people. But He’s testing a lot of other things, as well, so there’s going to be a lot of breakage. We all … Continue reading

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Heaven’s Preppers 01

Don’t be a Prepper of the typical sort; be a Heavenly Prepper. I’d be the last person to say we won’t face persecution for our faith. However, I want to stand at the front of the line warning you that … Continue reading

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Change Number 2746

Bear with me here; I’m trying to explain something that defies easy explaining. If you can buy into my notion that things are in a state of flux as God watches what men outside His covenants do, then maybe you … Continue reading

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Lord, Give Us Souls

I’m still convinced we are headed for a hard tribulation, an apocalypse. However, I doubt anyone has a clear image in their heads of what that will look like. I know I don’t. What I find worth writing about right … Continue reading

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Demonstrate the Power

Yesterday here it was a cold and dreary day. It was quite appropriate. Evil powers have ascended to the thrones of men and darkness covers the land. Not that it was anything really new; evil has long reigned in this … Continue reading

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Getting Ready for It

One twitch of the Father’s finger can bring giant changes for mankind. I’m going to babble for a moment because I can’t just keep this to myself. I’ll try to keep it as coherent as I can, but it’s not … Continue reading

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Literary, Not Literal

Don’t take his as any kind of prophetic word. Those days are gone. This is just me living with the noise in my own head. I’m choosing to share because I can’t shut up, even if speaking kills me. Still, … Continue reading

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Persecution Threat Profile

The tactics for dealing with persecution are not at all like military tactics. It’s more like espionage. There is a high probability the federal government will begin to oppress via any number of “social justice” measures. This signals a rising … Continue reading

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Talk about Flying

By definition, tribulation is tough times. When things get more difficult, you need less dependence, not more. The more extreme the situation, the more flexibility you need to respond to conviction. That means reducing your dependencies in both directions. You … Continue reading

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What Floats Your Boat?

Another vision shook me yesterday. There aren’t many of us who will hear the call to a heart-led faith life. Only a few are determined to make a high level of sacrifice to get as close as possible to the … Continue reading

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