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Monthly Archives: October 2010
Individual Declaration of Independence
I frequently note here how pointless it is to be an activist. Even if you kill off the entire global elite ruling class and all their minions and lackeys in your government, new ones will rise to take their place. … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged government, mysticism, resistance
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On the Latest Bomb Hoaxes
To distract us from the impending banking and mortgage implosion, Western governments have served up a new bogus threat so the news media will have something to scream about. It was reported some improvised devices, modified toner cartridges and such, … Continue reading
Controlled Opposition
It’s an established label: “controlled opposition.” While not exactly the old Hegelian Dialectic, it is equally sinister. How can you tell when one of your favorite sources of news and commentary is actually a fake? How do you know when … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged culture, government, internet, mysticism, psychology
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Don’t Be Fooled by False Justice
Don’t be a fool. Justin Raimondo notes we once had a powerful antiwar movement, but it was fake. It was a partisan scam, because now that Obama is in office, you don’t hear a peep about the same wars being … Continue reading
Tension Rising
So we now have financial outfits suing the banks to take back those fraudulent mortgage investments. And government offices on several levels are investigating them for fraud and dodging taxes. And MERS could be shut down and bankrupt any day … Continue reading
FreeBSD 8.1 Test Drive
I decided long ago, of all the various Open Source licenses, I prefer the BSD License. It’s the most free, and typical of my philosophical assumptions. With lots of experience playing around on FreeBSD, I was somewhat brokenhearted during the … Continue reading
One Nation Under Satan
By no means have my convictions regarding torture changed: Torture is inherently Satanic. When any nation allows anyone in their service to torture, the entire nation comes under the control demonic forces, and justly merits God’s wrath. Just in case … Continue reading
Posted in religion, social sciences
Tagged government, history, resistance, scripture
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Why Copyright Is Unjust Before God
(This is a follow-up to my post on Operation Payback.) A critical element in God’s justice is whether enforcement is inherently oppressive. There is plenty of precedent in Scripture to answer the question of whether something is oppressive. For example, … Continue reading
Operation Payback Is about Morals
You can read the manifesto of Operation Payback. Don’t pretend you can’t understand, or that the tiny handful of incidents they cite are insufficient justification. They are examples of a massive and unacceptable trend altogether consistent with the current global … Continue reading
Google Chrome Going Bad
I’ve been using Chrome on several different OSes the past few months, and have been recommending it to some other folks. In general, it was faster, did Flash objects much better, and so forth. Recently I noticed it uses almost … Continue reading