Tag Archives: tribulation

What Difference Should It Make?

To answer the question in the title: Nothing. I apologize if some of you got the impression I have really bought into everything that Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers has been saying. I think it’s interesting stuff, but my personal … Continue reading

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Coming Soon to a Planet Near You

I made it a point to catch the latest from Suspicious Observers this evening: I believe it’s correct in substance, but I am personally planning on the Lord’s mercy to make it less extreme than the narrator predicts. My convictions … Continue reading

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A Tool for Whom?

Yes, they do intend to turn us into worker ants. Joseph Mercola talks about something besides medicine. It’s the case of Mark Crispin Miller versus NYU. If you have the time to look at this story, you should be surprised … Continue reading

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Like a Thief in the Night

I’m not trying to be a hermit. Despite being an introvert, I love people and can enjoy being social, even in large groups. The same goes for virtual encounters. I don’t mind a busy crowd on my blog; I don’t … Continue reading

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Say What He Tells You

Let’s try another approach; maybe I can trace out some of the implications you aren’t seeing. There is a Biblical Law, the Covenant of Christ. It calls for certain basic requirements that humans will deal with each other, and that … Continue reading

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Inherent Enemies

There’s something fundamental here that we need to make very clear: Western civil government is inherently evil. I’m still amazed at number of people who share with me their advocacy of using one branch of government against another, of trying … Continue reading

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It All Hangs on Shalom

Biblical Law makes it clear that decentralization is God’s requirement. When humanity flouts that requirement, God acts to dissolve the power that holds people together in fallen human purpose. This is the principle behind the Tower of Babel. God will … Continue reading

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What’s on My Mind Lately

Something has been haunting me the past month or so. It’s something that grew from unnoticed to a large intrusion into my awareness: We are headed for some kind of massive disaster, something that will reduce the population of the … Continue reading

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Gird Up Your Loins

I’m inclined to support most of what Bill Sardi says this morning over at Lew Rockwell’s site. Seems to me I first heard of the Deagle estimate a couple of weeks ago. At the time, it didn’t really catch my … Continue reading

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Embrace the Penitence

I want you to be encouraged. It doesn’t require any kind of special gift from God; it’s well within the range of His common gifts to all His children. You should be able to sense this with your heart: A … Continue reading

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