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Tag Archives: human government
Ready to Meet the Lord
It’s quite possible I’m just an idiot or madman, but if people keep discussing with me certain topics, they’re going to get what I believe is the answer to their questions. Start with the fundamental truth: Satan is the god … Continue reading
Posted in tribulation
Tagged globalism, human government, Jews, neocons, Satan, The Cult, tribulation
Cynical Politics
If we were going to discuss the political situation, I believe the best approach is looking at who or what is least harmful. To imagine that anyone in American politics is actually “good” is beyond the pale. Nothing good can … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged cynicism, God's wrath, human government, medicine, oppression, survival
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The Shape of Things
Jeffrey Tucker presents a very perceptive review of the situation: Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns. I recommend reading it. He outlines how the globalists implemented their dreams of total control using the faux pandemic. It would be easy to … Continue reading
Pastoral Note on Resistance
If you regard yourself part of the Radix Fidem community, or consider me your friend, elder and/or pastor, this is an administrative note. We have seen that, by now, the MSM is grudgingly admitting — just barely — that some … Continue reading
Satanism A or B
There was no clean sweep in the elections. Redemption comes not from partisan politics. Ideology is a very poor substitute for national identity. Genuine Christian faith is following Jesus to the Cross. The ultimate victory is leaving this world, not … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged christian mysticism, church, Covenant of Christ, human government, otherworldly, tribalism, worldliness
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It Cannot Be Fixed
This is not how things are supposed to be. We were never meant to be mortal. God placed us within His Creation as managers of some portion, a special place rather like a ruler’s private park. The park has always … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged human capabilities, human government, otherworldly, spiritual orientation, the Fall, worldliness
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XR: Another Counterfeit
Before we look at the counterfeits, it’s best to know the genuine thing well enough to spot the fakes. At the root level, this fallen world is supposed to be decentralized, tribal, racist, and in various levels of conflict over … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, covenants, divine revelation, globalism, human government, idolatry, tribalism, XR
Covenant Covering Is Our Ground
First, a little review. We know that the fundamental nature of spiritual warfare is fighting your own demons. Your own soul is the battleground. The phrase “victory in Jesus” refers to vanquishing your own fleshly nature; it has nothing to … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, covenant identity, covenants, covering, demons, faith, human government, spiritual warfare
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Say What He Tells You
Let’s try another approach; maybe I can trace out some of the implications you aren’t seeing. There is a Biblical Law, the Covenant of Christ. It calls for certain basic requirements that humans will deal with each other, and that … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, covenant community of faith, human government, persecution, politics, secular society, tribalism, tribulation
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Trying to Please Him
Look at the logic of it. Think about what’s bundled into the reasoning people offer; seek to understand the a priori assumptions they refuse to discuss or reconsider. Keep asking “why” until you get to the basic assumptions. God will … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged faith, human government, individual faith, kingdom of heaven, moral boundaries, nonconformist, oppression